Air Conditioners

Due to high electrical loads required that cannot be sustained in the residence halls, and excessive energy usage, students are not permitted to install or use portable air conditioners of any type in their residence hall rooms.

If a student has a medical condition whereby the use of an air conditioner in their residence hall room may be considered as a reasonable accommodation to alleviate a significant barrier to their education, they should submit a Request for Accommodations Form through Disability Services. To be considered to have an air conditioner a student must have a verified condition covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) that cannot be resolved by the use of fans, portable air purifiers or dehumidifiers (all of which are permitted in the residence halls). Only after receiving approval is an air conditioning unit permitted. Residential Life will be provided with a list of approved air conditioners for verification purposes.

Air conditioners must be installed in the bedroom of the individual in question (if in a multiple occupancy space), cannot be larger than 6,000 BTUs, and must be Energy Star Certified. Any air conditioner installed during the Fall Quarter will be removed prior to Winter Break. The air conditioner may be reinstalled at the beginning of the Spring Quarter.

Note: Students must provide their own window air conditioning unit. The College does not supply them. Only Facilities Management staff should install air conditioners. Students should NOT do this themselves.


Please visit the Student Development website for the full Alcohol policy.

Assault and Abusive Behavior

Please see article III, number 3 of the Student Code of Conduct on the Student Development website for the Assault and Abusive Behavior policy.


Bicycles may not be stored or parked in the entrances, hallways, stairwells, or lounges of the residential system at any time. All bikes on Kalamazoo College property must be registered with the Office of Campus Safety. You can find the complete bicycle registration policy on the Campus Safety website.


Candles and incense are not permitted. All other types of open flames are also prohibited. Please visit the Student Development website for the full Fire Safety policy.


For health, safety, and liability reasons, students may not cook in the residential system in place of a board contract. The only caveats are campus houses, which are equipped with a full kitchen and those who have been approved through the petition process. Please visit the Student Development website for the full Fire Safety policy.

In accordance with the College's commitment to greater sustainability and energy conservation, it is requested that all electrical devices that students bring to campus be Energy Star Certified whenever possible. All electrical devices utilized in student rooms must be UL approved and in good working order. The College does not allow cooking in residence hall rooms for health, safety, and sanitation reasons. The residence halls were not designed to handle the electrical loads, venting, health and sewage problems associated with regular cooking. In an effort to responsibly control the College's energy usage in accordance with the Honor System (i.e. Accepting Environmental Responsibility), and to comply with fire safety regulations, the only kitchen appliances permitted in the residence halls (one per bedroom) are:

  • refrigerators-- maximum of 4.3 cubic feet in capacity, and pulls no more than 1.5 amps
  • microwaves-- 900 watts or less and no more than 1 per student room
  • coffee makers--must be Keurig/single-serve type or have an automatic shut off
  • hotpots, rice cookers or water warmers (with enclosed coils)
  • blenders or smoothie makers

All other cooking appliances are prohibited in the residence halls. This includes, but is not limited to: hotplates, camp stoves, toasters, toaster ovens, grills, bread makers, instant pots, and air fryers.


Students are responsible for extraordinary cleaning, damage, and theft of College property within the residential system. Cleaning of, damage to, and theft of furnishings from common areas within a hall, suite/quad, shared bathroom, or house for which individual responsibility cannot be determined will be apportioned among all members of the hall or house, floor, wing, hallway or section as deemed appropriate by the Office of Residential Life.

Drone/Unmanned Aircraft Systems

It is not permissible for individual students, faculty, and staff or outside entities to operate unmanned aircraft/drones on Kalamazoo College campus, interiors, or exteriors. This is due to both Federal Aviation Association requirements, and risk management/liability issues.

Exceptions may be made for official institutional use or research/teaching use; those instances will be managed through the office of the Vice President for Student Development and Dean of Students. The City of Kalamazoo Law enforcement agencies (including but not limited to City of Kalamazoo Public Safety, City of Kalamazoo Fire Department, or other first responders) are exempt from these guidelines. For questions, please contact J. Malcolm Smith, Vice President for Student Development and Dean of Students via e-mail or at 269.337.7209.

Appropriate and Prohibited Uses

  • UAS must be registered with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and provide proof and a copy of the registration to the Vice President for Student Development and Dean of Students for approval to operate the UAS on Kalamazoo College campus. Information on FAA drones registration can be found by visiting the Know Before You Fly and FAADroneZone websites.
  • UAS is limited to one per person, office, and department on campus and may only be used between the hours of 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
  • UAS shall not be used to monitor or record areas where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy in accordance with accepted social norms. These areas include but are not limited to restrooms, locker rooms, individual residential rooms, changing or dressing rooms, health center lounge, and exam rooms.
  • UAS shall not be used to monitor or record residential hallways, residential lounges, or the insides of campus facilities including professional offices and building windows.
  • UAS shall not be used to monitor or record sensitive institutional or personal information, which may be found, for example, on an individual's workspaces, computer, or other electronic displays.
  • UAS shall not be used at College sponsored events (except College sanctioned UAS), following individuals on campus, and or delivering anything on campus.
  • The current unmanned aircraft rules remain in place until the FAA implements a final new rule. The FAA encourages new operators to visit the Current Unmanned Aircraft State Law Landscape page.


Any violations of college policies by an individual will be subject to the Student Code of Conduct, or the relevant Faculty or Staff disciplinary processes, which may include disciplinary actions up to and including suspension, termination, or expulsion from the college. Fines or damages incurred by individuals or units that do not comply with this policy will not be paid by Kalamazoo College and will be the responsibility of those persons involved.

Drugs and Prescription Medications

Please visit the Student Development website for the full Drug Policy.

Failure to Comply

Please see article III, number 9 of the Student Code of Conduct on the Student Development website.

Fire Safety

Please visit the Student Development website for the full Fire Safety policy.

Floor Policy

All residence hall room floors are tile. Students are welcome to bring rugs or carpet to personalize their spaces. The use of carpet tape and/or other adhesives on floors is prohibited. Students will be charged for any extra cleaning or damage done to floors. All rugs must be removed prior to check out. Students are also required to sweep and mop their floors prior to check out or they will be assessed a cleaning fee.

Furniture Removal Policy

No furnishings may be removed from a student's room or from any common area for any reason. Removing furnishings from any public or common area will result in the supervised return of the missing items and a fee per item per day until the furnishings are returned. In addition, the person(s) responsible for the action may be subject to a further disciplinary action. If missing furnishings are not returned after signs have been posted requesting their return, the Residential Life staff may conduct room inspections to locate and retrieve the missing items.

Likewise, furniture may not be removed from individual student rooms for the purposes of bringing in outside furniture. Supplemental furniture is discouraged but not prohibited. It is the owner's obligation to safely transport the item in question and remove it upon move-out without causing damage. Note: The residence halls do not have elevators and stairwell clearance is limited.

Guest Policy

Guests may visit for up to three nights within a two-week period. Any guests remaining for an extended period of time will be asked to leave. Students are urged to extend the same respect, consideration, and understanding to roommates that they would appreciate for themselves. Entertaining guests is a negotiable issue with a roommate, not an inalienable right. Each student has the right to entertain guests in their room/suite, as long as the roommate's rights to access, privacy and to study and sleep free from disturbance are respected. A resident may not entertain guests in a room over the objections of a roommate. When roommate conflicts arise over guests, the students involved are expected to make every mature and responsible effort to resolve the situation, utilizing the resources of the Residential Life staff if necessary.

Residents are responsible for the conduct of their non-Kalamazoo College guests and for other students who are visiting their residence hall, room or suite. Residents are responsible for their guests at all times and for escorting them while they are on campus. This also requires that hosts are with guests for the duration of their stay at the College, and that guests have picture ID with them at all times. In addition, guests must follow all College policies. Residents may also be held accountable for intentional abuse of the guest policy. A violation of such policies will result in the guest being removed from campus and the host being held accountable through the student conduct process.

Hall Sports and Throwing Policy

Students are not permitted to play sports or throw (or spray) objects into, out of, or within a residence hall. This includes balls, and other solid objects, water, shaving cream, paint and/or any liquid or substances

Honor System

Please visit the Conduct page on the Student Development website to access The Honor System.

Laundry Policy

Each residence hall has a laundry room for the residents of that specific community. Laundry rooms are equipped with high efficiency, large capacity, front loading washers and dryers. For best results, it is recommended that students use high efficiency laundry detergent.

Machines are operated using a mobile app system.

Laundry Room Guidelines

  1. Students are expected to keep the laundry rooms clean by properly disposing of detergent containers, dryer sheets and garbage, and cleaning up any messes or unintentional spills.
  2. Students are encouraged not to leave their laundry unattended. Laundry that is left in the laundry room for more than 24 hours will be collected and donated or disposed of.
  3. If a machine is done and someone is waiting to use it, they may remove the clothes in the machine and place them on the table or on top of a washer or dryer. However, students may never put other people's clothes on the floor or remove them from the laundry room.
  4. Students are not permitted to use the machines for the dying of clothing or other items, as it may ruin the machine or the clothing of the next person who uses the machine.
  5. Students are not permitted to tamper with and/or vandalize washers, dryers and the laundry rooms.
  6. Report any problems with machines directly to WASH Laundry by calling 1.800.521.9938.
  7. Students who do not utilize the laundry room in accordance with the above guidelines may be referred through the Student Code of Conduct and may lose laundry room privileges.

Loft Policy

Lofts are not permitted in any residence hall or house. Many residence halls feature built-in furniture which does not allow for this. Additionally, the Office of Residential Life is unable to provide loft kits or specific plans for loft building due to variation among the residential facilities. Students who violate this policy are at greater risk of personal injury to themselves or others and damage to College property, for which they would be held responsible.

Missing Student Policy

In the event that a student living on campus is thought to be missing, the following procedures will be put in effect.

  1. Students will be given an option to register confidential contact information for someone they would like contacted by the College within 24 hours in the event they are thought to be missing. Students residing in campus housing who are 18 years of age or older have the option of registering a confidential contact person by completing the “Missing Person Contact Information” form online when they update their emergency contacts each academic term.
  2. Unless an individual is identified by the students as indicated above, custodial parent(s) or guardian(s) will be the usual point of contact for any missing student.
  3. If the student is under 18 years of age, and not an emancipated individual, the College is required to notify a custodial parent or guardian.

Campus Safety and Residential Life will make every attempt to determine if the student is actually missing or can be accounted for. Once it is determined that the student cannot be accounted for within the 24 hour time period, the Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety will be notified and a missing persons report will be filed. Campus officials shall notify the person identified by the student on the confidential contact information. If the student is under 18 years of age, the College will notify a custodial parent or guardian.

Noise and Quiet Hour Policy

A primary purpose of the residential system is to offer conditions that permit reasonable order for health and academic success. It is difficult to set specific standards regarding levels of noise that will satisfy all residents, as individual levels of noise tolerance vary widely. Given widely varying schedules and needs, students must be able to work and rest at all times without undue interference or disturbance.

Courtesy hours are in effect 24 hours a day, seven days a week. At no time may a resident create excessive noise which will disturb other residents. Residents may not practice musical instruments in the residential system at any time. Arrangements for practice and the storage of musical instruments should be made in the Light Fine Arts Center.

As a minimum standard, quiet hours will begin at 11:00 PM on weekdays (Sunday- Thursday) and 1:00 AM on weekends (Friday and Saturday). Noise and activity must be confined to student rooms during quiet hours. Students who frequently disrupt others may face disciplinary action or be removed from campus housing.

Personal Property Policy

The College assumes no responsibility for loss or damage to a student's personal property by any cause including, but not limited to: theft, electricity, water, and heat. Each resident is responsible for their own property and that of guests. The College encourages students to either make sure their possessions are covered under their parents' homeowners insurance or obtain renter's insurance.

Prohibited Items

Items Prohibited in Rooms

In accordance with the College's commitment to greater sustainability and energy conservation, it is requested that all electrical devices that students bring to campus be Energy Star Certified whenever possible.

All electrical devices utilized in student rooms must be UL approved and in good working order. The College does not allow cooking in residence hall rooms for health, safety and sanitation reasons. The residence halls were not designed to handle the electrical loads, venting, health and sewage problems associated with cooking. In an effort to responsibly control the College's energy usage in accordance with the Honor System (Accepting Environmental Responsibility), and to comply with fire safety regulations, the only kitchen appliances permitted in the residence halls are:

  • refrigerators-- maximum of 4.5 cubic feet in capacity, and pulls no more than 1.5 amps
  • microwaves-- 900 watts or less and no more than 1 per student room
  • coffee makers (Keurig-type or having an automatic shut off)
  • hotpots, rice cookers or water warmers (with enclosed coils)
  • blenders or smoothie makers
  • electric popcorn poppers (with enclosed coils)

All other cooking appliances are prohibited in the residence halls. This includes, but is not limited to, hotplates, camp stoves, toasters, toaster ovens, grills, and bread makers.

Other items prohibited in the residence halls include:

  • wireless routers
  • space heaters
  • waterbeds
  • pets (except fish in tanks holding 10 gallons or less)
  • live Christmas trees
  • air conditioners
  • street signs or other public signs (non-decorative)
  • darts or dart board
  • weapons of any kind
  • candles, incense and any open flames
  • halogen lights and lava lamps
  • smoking accessories, including but not limited to pipes, bongs, hookahs, and blunts
  • heated blankets

Residents Rights and Responsibilities Policy

Each resident has the right of access to and use of his or her room, free from solicitation, disturbance or interference, and harassment. Residents may entertain guests who abide by the regulations and policies of the residential system. Every reasonable effort shall be made so that rights of privacy, peace, quiet and public order are adequate to provide for study, sleep and safety. The College seeks to insure the privacy of each student. Therefore, no room will be entered by a college official without first knocking. See the room inspections and searches policy for more information.

Residents in any way violating these rights or regulations or policies relating to the residential system as contained elsewhere in this web site are subject to the full range of disciplinary actions available to the College, up to and including removal from housing, suspension and dismissal.

The exterior doors of the residential system in all living units are locked 24 hours a day, seven days a week and should not be propped open or left unlocked. Students compromising building security in any fashion are subject to disciplinary action. Students are issued ID/security cards or keys for the exterior door(s) of their residence hall or house. Lost ID cards must be reported to Security immediately and the student will be billed $10.00 for replacement.

Students are encouraged to be security conscious and lock private rooms and windows within the residential system. Lost room, suite, or exterior door keys should be reported to a member of the Residential Life staff immediately. Keys will be replaced and room door locks recorded in every case. A resident will be billed $10.00 for each replacement key and $50.00 for each recorded lock. Residents are responsible for carrying their keys with them, and are allowed only two lock-outs. After this number, the resident is charged a $20.00 fee each time he/she requests to be keyed into his/her room.

Students should keep their windows closed and locked when they are not in their rooms. Visit the locking your windows page for information to make sure your window is locking securely. Ground floor and first floor windows are equipped with safety latches to enable students to keep their windows open at a secure level.

If residents have concerns about the way policies are enacted or enforced they should report their concerns to an Area Coordinator or the Associate Dean of Students.

Resolving Conflicts Policy

It would be unreasonable to assume that all conflicts and disputes which are likely to arise in the residential system will be easily resolved by mutual understanding and agreement. Initial responsibility for settling disputes rests with the individuals involved, who are expected to attempt to resolve problems whenever possible before turning to the Residential Life staff. The Area Coordinators and the Resident Assistants, as College officials living in the residences, will strive to protect the rights of all residents by advising and assisting individuals. When problems cannot or will not be settled in this manner, the staff will enforce the regulations and policies of the College and initiate disciplinary actions as appropriate. On those occasions when members of the staff find it necessary to act in the role of College authority, residents are obliged to follow their directives.

If a resident believes that a member of the staff is acting improperly, the resident should:

  1. Follow the instructions of the staff member.
  2. Inform the staff member that the resident believes the staff member is acting improperly.
  3. Register a formal complaint with Student Development.

It is the goal of the Office of Residential Life and the staff to resolve problems at the lowest possible level and to institute formal disciplinary action only when necessary. Formal response must, of course, be governed by the nature of the particular dispute or infraction. Initial action for serious offenses will begin at a higher level.

Room & Board Cancellation/Termination Policy

Students who sign the housing agreement and have received a housing assignment confirmation from the Office of Residential Life are responsible to the housing agreement terms, conditions and costs for the entire academic year (Fall, Winter, and Spring terms). Students who fail to move into the residence halls or who vacate the residence halls without an approved cancellation are responsible for the full room and board charges. We advise students to not sign the housing agreement and select a housing assignment if they are unsure about on campus housing or are planning to use on campus housing as a backup.

Housing Cancellations

Students who have already fulfilled the College’s Housing and Board Requirement (students entering their junior or senior years) may request cancellation by emailing

If a student’s cancellation request is received and approved after student billing statements have been released (student billing statements are typically released one month prior to the start of each term), a cancellation fee of $500 will be applied to the student’s account for each term of housing that has been cancelled.

If a student’s cancellation request is received and approved after they have moved-in for the current term, a cancellation fee of $500 will be applied to the student’s account for each term of housing that has been cancelled plus the daily room rate for each day that has passed since they moved-in.


  • A student who cancels their full-year (three terms) housing assignment after fall billing statements have been released will receive a $1500 cancellation fee ($500 for each of three terms).
  • A student who cancels their Winter/Spring housing assignment three days after moving in for winter term will receive a $1000 cancellation fee ($500 for each of two terms) plus the daily room rate for three days as determined by Student Accounts using the College’s refund calculator.

If a student’s request to be released from their housing agreement is not approved, they will be held responsible for the full cost of their assigned room and meal plan.

Meal Plan Cancellations

All students residing in the residence halls are required to have a meal plan and therefore are ineligible to cancel their meal plans.

Any student who cancels their housing before the start of the academic term will be refunded the full cost of their selected meal plan for that term. Any student who cancels their housing after the start of the term and before the end of Week 2 will receive a pro-rated refund determined by Student Accounts using the College’s refund calculator. No additional cancellation fee will be applied. After the start of Week 3, no refund for the cost of the meal plan will be issued.

Those students residing in on-campus houses (Grove Houses) may elect to purchase a full meal plan, a commuter plan, or none at all. A student residing in the Grove Houses who requests to cancel their meal plan after the start of the term and before the end of Week 2 will receive a pro-rated refund determined by Student Accounts using the College’s refund calculator. No additional cancellation fee will be applied. After the start of Week 3, no refund for the cost of the meal plan will be issued.

Room & Board Cost Refunds

Students released from the College’s room & board requirement through the petition process during their first two years will only be charged for their time of stay if such release is granted after they have moved in to the residence halls. If they are released before they have moved in, all charges will be fully reversed and no cancellation fee will be applied.

If a student leaves the College before the start of an academic term (completion of degree requirements, withdrawal, medical leave of absence, suspension, expulsion, etc.) or will be leaving campus to participate in a study abroad/away program, room & board charges for the following term(s) will be fully reversed and no cancellation fee will be applied.

If a student leaves the College during an academic term (withdrawal, medical leave of absence, suspension, expulsion, etc.), the amount of refund (if eligible) for room and board charges will be determined by Student Accounts using the College’s refund calculator. No cancellation fee will be applied.

A student who withdraws from the College, is dismissed, participates in a study abroad/away program, or otherwise leaves the College at any time for any reason must vacate their room, remove all belongings, clean their room, turn in their room key, and check out properly with a Residential Life staff member. Failure to do so may result in additional fines.

Room Change Policy

At the start of each term there is a two-week freeze on all room changes. The two-week freeze period allows the Residential Life staff an opportunity to evaluate occupancy as well as give roommates an opportunity to get to know each other. All room change requests must be submitted to the Residential Life office for approval. Students may not change rooms until they receive a room change approval notice from the Residential Life office. Unauthorized room changes will result in a $150.00 fee and possibly moving back to the previously assigned room.

Room changes are not permitted on a basis of gender identify, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age disability, sexual orientation, or political orientation. Room changes are subject to availability and at the discretion of Residential Life staff.

Room Condition Policy

Prior to a resident moving in, the condition of the room is assessed so that all rooms may be presented to residents in good condition. Students are responsible for reporting any concerns with the condition and contents of the room to Residential Life staff within seven (7) days of moving in. Damage, missing furniture, extraordinary cleaning, pest treatment or any condition or contents varying from the time of moving in (or those reported within the first three days) will be charged to the student.

Room Consolidation and Buy Out Policy

The rate each student pays is based on the number of students occupying the room. Students residing in rooms with vacancies will be offered the opportunity to self-consolidate by electing to either move into a room with another student who has a vacancy or having another student move in to fill the vacancy in their current room. The Office of Residential Life reserves the right to administratively consolidate room(s) as necessary.

On rare occasions, subject to residential system occupancy and approval by Residential Life staff, a student residing in a room with a vacancy may be given the opportunity to remain in their current assigned space by electing to buy out the vacant unassigned space in their room at a rate of fifty percent (50%) of the cost for the space, thus guaranteeing that they will not be moved or receive a roommate during that specific academic term.

When available, room buy outs are only offered per term, not for the entire academic year. The opportunity to buy out a room is not guaranteed. No student may buy out more than one vacant assigned space.

Room Decorations and Alterations Policy

Students are highly encouraged to personalize their rooms, and the College has specific guidelines that allow for personalization without causing possible permanent damage to residence hall spaces:

  1. Pictures, posters, flags, etc. should be hung from molding installed for that purpose. Where there is no molding, 3M removable tape, making tape, or poster putty may be used. No other adhesives may be used (i.e. duct tape, carpet tape, double sided tape, wood glue, etc.). This includes the inside and outside of room doors and door frames.
  2. When the resident(s) of the room/quad/suite/house vacate(s), adhesive residue must be removed from walls, windows, doors, etc. or the resident(s) will be charged for the removal.
  3. Nails, screws, thumb tacks, and brackets may not be used anywhere in student rooms (i.e. walls, ceilings, window frames, doors, door frames, furniture, etc.).
  4. Ceiling tiles may not be moved or removed. Items may not be hung from ceilings, support beams within ceilings, pipes, sprinkler heads, etc.
  5. Stickers, adhesive glow-in-the-dark stars, etc. may not be adhered to ceiling tiles.
  6. Students may not paint any part of their rooms or College-owned furniture.
  7. Students may not mount anything, including but not limited to: antennas and satellite dishes, signs, flags, etc. to the exterior of any residence hall building or living-learning housing unit.
  8. Students may not hang anything out of their windows or place objects on exterior window sills or balconies.
  9. Upon check out, all college furniture must be reconfigured the way it was at check-in (e.g. beds bunked, etc.) and students are not permitted to leave furniture, carpet, or any other personal items. Failure to reconfigure the furniture in the living space and/or remove personal items will result in improper checkout charges.

Room Inspection and Search Policy


The following inspection policies apply to College-owned or operated facilities:

  1. The College has free access to the premises at all reasonable times for the purpose of examining the same in order to make any alterations or repairs to buildings that the College may deem necessary for its safety or preservation.
  2. Every effort will be made to respect the privacy of individuals living in College-owned or operated living spaces. However, College officials have the right to enter student rooms without prior notification to perform custodial, repair and maintenance services, or in the event of an emergency.
  3. Room inspections to check the conditions of College property will be announced in advance. In the event of demonstrated damages, a charge will be made, roughly proportionate to the cost of removal, repair, and/or refinishing required.

Entry and Search

College officials may enter and/or search a student's room, vehicle, or other area, including personal property, in either a residence hall or other College-owned location or operated facility under any one of the following conditions:

    • If there is reason to believe that the room is being used for illegal purposes;
    • If there is reason to believe that the room is being used for a purpose that violates College policy;
    • If there is reason to believe that the room is being used for a purpose that violates health or safety regulations;
    • With consent of a resident of that room or unit, OR
    • When specifically authorized by the Vice President for Student Development, or by their designee. Generally, student staff members enter student rooms after receiving consent from a College official.
  1. Law enforcement officers possessing proper legal documents have the legal right to search rooms, and whenever possible, a representative of the College will accompany the law enforcement officer conducting the search.

Search Procedures

  • The search shall be conducted by Campus Safety or another non-student College officer designated by the official authorizing the search. Student staff members do not conduct room searches. An administrative staff member from the Division of Student Development will accompany the Campus Safety officer whenever possible.
  • Authorization will specify the reasons for the search, and the residents of that room will be notified of the authorization at the time of the search, if they are present.
  • A reasonable effort will be made to ensure that a resident of the room or unit is present during search. If a resident of the room or unit is not present or cannot be found within a reasonable time period, at least one other student should be present as a witness, ideally a student staff member.
  • If a student has a concern about a search, the should contact Student Development immediately. All complaints will be investigated. If any evidence obtained is used in a Student Code of Conduct case, the manner in which it was obtained will be taken into consideration.


  1. Any items violating College policies, or creating a health or safety risk may be confiscated anywhere on College premises.

Roommate Conflict Policy

The room assignment process is predicated upon students being knowledgeable about the process and making their own choices. Therefore, students should occupy assigned rooms until the quarter's end. When conflicts arise, students are expected to make every mature and responsible effort to resolve the situation, utilizing the resources of the Residential Life staff, prior to seeking a room change.

Occasionally, conflicts arise necessitating a room change. If a move is deemed appropriate, the student should see their Area Coordinator. All moves must be authorized by the Office of Residential Life.

To assist students in establishing positive roommate and/or suitemate living arrangements, the Office of Residential Life has put together a program to guide roommates/suitemates in their initial communication. This is to be used as a tool for negotiating needs with a new or existing roommate. Individuals are asked to meet with their roommate(s) and/or suitemates to share some basic information about themselves, including background, personal preferences, habits and characteristics, as well as emotional style. Individuals will then sign a "Roommate Agreement", and this will be returned to the Residential Life staff. When conflict arises, students are asked to utilize the information gathered to help resolve the issues.

Negotiating needs and setting boundaries will facilitate good communication, help avoid conflict, and establish a healthy relationship with a roommate(s) and/or suitemate(s).

Roommate Bill of Rights

  1. The right to study free from unnecessary disturbances
  2. The right to sleep without unnecessary disturbances from noise, guests of roommate, suitemate, etc.
  3. The right to expect a roommate/suitemate will respect one's personal belongings
  4. The right to a clean living environment
  5. The right to free access to one's room and facilities without pressure from a roommate or suitemate
  6. The right to personal privacy whenever possible
  7. The right to host guests, with the expectation that guests are to respect the rights of all roommates and suitemates and other hall residents
  8. The right to address grievances and concerns
  9. The right to be free from fear of intimidation, physical and/or emotional harm
  10. The right to expect reasonable cooperation and the use of shared items (College provided furniture, etc.).

Screens/Windows Policy

Screens must remain in place at all times for security reasons, and windows may not be routinely used to enter or exit a residence. No wires, blankets, clothes, banners, or other items may hang out of the windows of the residential system, nor should anything be hung from windows or obstruct entrance or exit doors.


Students may not tamper with window screens, doors, locks, safety devices, smoke or fire detection devices, fire extinguishers, fire sprinklers, electrical wiring, outlets, fixtures, plumbing, telephone, computer or TV cables. Students who tamper with the aforementioned will be held accountable through the Student Code of Conduct.

Terms of the College Room & Board Contract

Kalamazoo College affirms the educational benefits inherent in the residential undergraduate experience. Residential living is supportive of one's academic preparation and plays an integral role in one's experiential education, providing rich opportunities for involvement and development. Therefore, Kalamazoo College requires all students to reside within the College's residential system and board through the College's Dining Services through their sophomore year.

  1. The Room and Board Contract covers the period of quarterly assignment from the opening of the residence halls through the closing of the residence halls each quarter. The sum total stated on the quarterly billing statement covers the complete room and board charges for the period of assignment, excluding break periods.
  2. Students who obtain an assignment in campus housing are obligated to Kalamazoo College for room and board fees, if applicable, through an entire academic year, unless they withdrawal from the College, participate in an approved off-campus program, or are released through the formal petition process.
  3. The College reserves the right to assign space, change assignments or remove students from campus housing when deemed necessary. Students who live with Resident Assistants may need to relocate to a different space if staffing changes are made at any point prior to or during an academic year.
  4. The student who holds this contract agrees to observe and abide by all Federal, State of Michigan and local laws, Kalamazoo College regulations and policies and the terms and conditions contained herein.
  5. All students living on campus except those in staff apartments or houses, which have a full kitchen, must carry a residential board plan through Dining Services.
  6. Room and board privileges, including room keys and student IDs, may not be used by anyone other than the assigned student.
  7. The student who holds this contract is fully responsible for the assigned living area. This includes, but is not limited to, responsibility for excessive cleaning or damage charges, lost keys, and all activity by the contracted student and visitors/guests in the assigned living area.
  8. The College assumes no responsibility for loss or damage from any cause (e.g. theft, electricity, water, heat) to the personal property of residents. Each resident is responsible for his or her own property and that of guests. The College encourages students to either make sure their possessions are covered under parents' homeowners insurance or obtain renters insurance.
  9. If a student leaves the College during an academic term (e.g. withdrawal, medical leave of absence, suspension, expulsion, etc.), the amount of refund, if eligible, for room and board charges will be determined by the Student Accounts Office using the College’s refund calculator. A student who withdraws from the College, is dismissed or otherwise leaves the College at any time for any reason must vacate their room, remove all belongings, and return their room key(s) or they will be billed for a lock change and any other necessary fees.

Trash and Recycling Policy

Residents may recycle paper within their rooms. Bins are provided outside each residence hall for other kinds of recycling (glass, tin, etc.), and such recycling must take place outside of the residence halls. Residents are also responsible for regular trash removal from their rooms and houses, and dumpsters are provided near each building for this purpose. Students may not leave room trash or recycling in the hallways or any other residence hall common area.

Vandalism and Theft

Please see article III, number 7 of the Student Code of Conduct on the Student Development website.